The Heroic Charge--A00014

$189.00 $89.00 SAVE 53%

In the midst of a war-torn city, a brave hero rides his horse into battle. He is determined to save his people and protect his home.The hero charges through the streets,...

Size: 20“*20“ with Frame

20“*20“ with Frame
40“*40“ with Frame
20"*20" without Frame
40"40" without Frame

Frame: Wood

No Frame

Color: White

No Frame
In the midst of a war-torn city, a brave hero rides his horse into battle. He is determined to save his people and protect his home.

The hero charges through the streets, his horse galloping at full speed. The sound of gunfire and explosions fills the air around him.

As he rides, he sees the destruction all around him. Buildings are burning, and people are running for their lives.

But the hero does not falter. He knows that he must keep going if he wants to save his city.

Finally, he reaches the heart of the battle. He draws his sword and charges into the fray.

The painting captures the moment when the hero is charging into battle on his horse. His face is set in determination, and his sword is raised high.

It is a moment of bravery and courage in the face of overwhelming odds.
Additional Information

20“*20“ with Frame, 40“*40“ with Frame, 20"*20" without Frame, 40"40" without Frame


Wood, Metal, No Frame


White, Black, Gold, No Frame